Foxes and Badgers blog:

This week in Foxes and Badgers, we have been focusing on the significant people around us. Our discussion has mainly been based around the King, our families and People Who Help Us. We have had rich discussions around doctors, vets and the police. Following on from thinking about the King, we decorated our own crowns with gems. We rolled the dice and stuck the correct amount on. Whilst being outside, the children have been getting creative in the mud kitchen. The children have been making chocolate crumble. They have collected water from the tray and mixed this with the mud that they have dug and collected. The children whisked and mixed this together to make their own chocolate crumble. In the Creative Area, we have been creating shades. We have been adding white paint into our colours. We have been using key vocabulary such as ‘light’ and ‘dark’. We have been using our natural materials in the woodlands to make balancing ropes to walk along. We are great at using our coordination skills to get ourselves across safely.




Hedgehogs blog: