Take a journey into Hardmoor and explore our wonderful rooms and beautiful outdoor surroundings.

Outdoor Woodand Learning:
All children attending Hardmoor take part in ‘OWL’: Outdoor Woodland Learning.
It’s hard to believe that within a busy city, children are able to find an early learning setting that brings together the most beautiful natural surroundings. Look no further because at Hardmoor, outdoor learning forms the heart of our daily life with activities taking place all year, whatever the weather.
Children explore our vast and secure woodland forest, a beautiful campfire setting where learning takes place about the natural world, a potting greenhouse where children are encouraged to plant and grow seeds, plants and food, among more enriching features.
Hardmoor is home to two chickens who lay eggs daily that the children collect.
OWL builds children’s skills as they progress through the OWL curriculum. Starting from exploring the woodland safely, to using the natural environment for crafting and den building through to learning how to safely use tools when gardening or planting.

Explore our outdoor gallery:

Our Rooms:
All of our play rooms are large, light and airy with direct access to the gardens. Our settings provide the most warming welcome for all our children and their families, hosted by our kind and nurturing team.
You can read more about each of our rooms below:

All of our rooms provide our children with a warm and nurturing environment in which to spend their days at Hardmoor.
Rabbits (Babies)
Hedgehogs (Toddlers)
Foxes (Nursery)

Soft Room:
We have an in-house soft room, with lighting effects and a ball pit which is great for relaxation and developing physical skills.

Dining Hall:
We also use our fantastic sized hall space for lunch times for children aged 3 – 4 years in preparation for going to school. We also use the hall for large indoor activities such as parachute games.

Explore our indoor gallery: