Hedgehogs blog:

In Hedgehogs this week, the children had been actively participating in lots of interesting learning activities. At the creative table, they’ve been decorating a colourful card for the coming

“Father’s day” to give to their loved ones. They had been using tools for painting a wooden heart shape stencil, rollers and paint brushes to give their desired effect. We planned some challenging activities which encouraged the children to make their own colourful sequence pattern.. The children were excited to give it their best go! It was wonderful to see the children responding well to the instructions. They demonstrated a high level of concentration. The children were really proud of what they achieved.  The children also had a fantastic time exploring the woodland area. They have been using their imagination to role play - mixing soil, twigs and leaves they found around the woods. The children have continued to work hard when taking turns in using the swing and confidently exploring the different pathways in the woods. At snack time, the children have been encouraged to use their fine motor skills. They have been cutting their fruit into small pieces with good coordination. We have been so impressed by how the children have used their vocabulary and phrases -  “slippery”, “a bit hard”, “ I did it!”, “ It looks like marshmallow on stick!”.


Foxes and Badgers blog:


Foxes and Badgers: