Foxes and Badgers:
In Badgers and Foxes this week, we have had some exciting new members - an African Land Snail. We had a few suggested names that the children could choose from and by 1 point, the name Stanley won the vote. So this is Stanley our African Land Snail. Over this week, we have found out that he likes eating cucumber and strawberries, hiding under bark and poking his eyes out to peak around whilst the rest of him stays inside his shell. We are hoping he will settle into the hustle and bustle of Nursery and will become more and more confident over the next few weeks. Our fish have had a good clean out. The children enjoyed being a part of this and asking questions. Now that the tank is clean and clear, the children have enjoyed watching them and our little shrimp eating. We have also had the arrival of some Stick insects. We have had lots of discussions with the children around these creatures. The children have learnt that their scientific name is Phasmid.