Foxes and Badgers blog:

This week in Foxes and Badgers, we have been investigating and using our trial and error skills within the loose part section of our room. The children used the different pieces for lots of different purposes. Some children were using cans with loose parts to make cars with engines inside. Others decided to make strings of loose parts together. We have been using our light table this week. We noticed that if we put counters on top of the light, the light shined through beautifully. The children spend large amounts of time stacking the counters on top of each other. They created towers and patterns with them too. In the Mark Making area, we have been practising our handwriting. We have spent time focusing on your pencil grip and how we can use this to draw effectively. Our Phonics focus of the week was ‘Pip and Pap went to the Swimming Pool’. We made lots of bubbles! We blew and shouted ‘pop, pop, POP!’. We ended the week by making our way to the woods. We have been looking at the natural resources we can find within our environment. We gathered them together before adding them to our ‘sticky wall’.


Hedgehogs blog: