
In Hedgehogs this week, we have been exploring our colours. We have thought about the names of our colours as well as how we could mix them together. We used pipettes to put some droplets of different colour water on cotton pads and squished them onto paper. The children were amazed by how the colours changed and were absorbed. We have spent time this week with a focus around our PSED skills - specifically turn taking.  We have been taking turns playing games with stackable houses and tiny family inside. We thought about who may be in our family - mummy, daddy, brothers, sisters and grandparents. We used small world figures to represent our family members. This led us to explore different books around our families. We enjoyed looking at these books with our peers in our reading area. We have also sung songs! In the playground, we had climbing on different equipment, going on the slide, riding on the trikes. We have really loved exploring in and out the bushes in our sensory garden.


Foxes and Badgers:

