
In Rabbits this week, we have been soaking up the first of the summer sun! We have spent some time outside working on our gross motor skills. We have spent time sliding down our larger and smaller slides and sea-saws. Our smaller babies have been supported in their gross motor by the help of their key adults manoeuvring around the garden. They are becoming brilliant and pulling themselves up onto safe objects.

To expand our senses, we have been enjoying trying some different foods– especially for our very little babies. We have enjoyed fruits like watermelon and pineapple. Of course, the children have loved getting super messy with paint and sand play. They have enjoyed getting stuck in with any messy activities! The babies also continue to enjoy heading up to the allotments. They have assisted in looking after our growing vegetables. They have learnt about transferring them from the pots to the raised beds so the sunshine can help them grow even more!


Pip and Pap:


Foxes and Badgers: