Pip and Pap Parent and Pupil Workshop:
Foxes Class very much enjoyed our first Pip and Pap Phonics 'Parent and Pupil' workshop today, reading one of our Rainbow Phase books, "Forest Fun with Pip and Pap!"
The Rainbow Phase aspect of Pip and Pap Phonics aims to support development of phonological and phonemic awareness skills; through exploration of environmental sounds, musical instruments, body and voice percussion, rhythm and rhyme, alliteration and orally blending and segmenting key words.
As part of the workshop, parents and children enjoyed hearing the story "Forest Fun with Pip and Pap" read to them by Miss Cassar. They enjoyed playing "Eye Spy" to identify what could be found in the forest, helping to support pupils with identifying initial sounds in words. Families then sang "T-T-Tall Tree" together, playing a game to weave in and out of the branches whilst considering the initial sound /t/ in words.
Pupils and parents then made lovely forest pictures together, using rectangles to make tree trunks and used finger painting techniques to make leaves for their trees! Everyone had great fun and we are very excited for our next workshop in November - please ask at the office for more details!