Rabbits blog:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

The children have been growing in confidence. They have been exploring sensory play - feeling the gloop and watching with interest as it dripped and splashed from our hands to the tray.


Communication and Language

In Rabbits room, we have been looking at Spring flowers and exploring the different colours and smells.. We used our senses to explore yellow playdough. The children could manipulate the dough with rolling pins and shape cutters to make different shapes.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We have been developing confidence while building with Stickle Bricks to be able to connect the blocks, trying again when it becomes tricky. The children focused really well and were very proud of their achievements, “Look!”

Physical development

We have been focusing on building confidence and strength while jumping, using mats and hoops to jump across in different ways. We did big steps to see if we could reach, jumped with two feet off the ground, and tried to jump like rabbits too.


Kits blog: