Foxes blog:

During this week in Foxes, we have been exploring our new topic of Bears! We have loved reading different books that include bears. One of our favourites has been ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear’. We have enjoyed using actions to retell this story in our own way. Following our theme of bears, we have focused on Traditional Tales. We wondered which Traditional Tales had bears in? ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’! We have investigated this book through messy and sensory play. Our adults created a tuff tray of oats to mimic the porridge making within the story. We were able to scoop, tip and pour our oats from different containers and cylinders. We have focused on our Maths as we compared and contrasted different size bowls - ‘Which bear would have each bowl?’. As always, the Creative Area is always full of children ready to make and create. We have been painting, cutting, sticking and collaging - look at the wonderful bats we made!


Autumn Great Gardening Day:


National Poetry Day: