Foxes and Badgers:
In Foxes and Badgers this week, the children have been learning about nursery rhymes! We have spent lots of time thinking about how words rhyme - how and why! We have learnt the nursery rhyme ‘Humpty Dumpty’. Alongside this, we have been using our roleplaying skills to act it out. The hot weather has inspired our roleplay too! We made our own pretend swimming pool which sparked our discussions around keeping cool and going swimming. We have spent time this week at the allotment - we had a big job on our hands! We spent time weeding, sowing seeds and watering the vegetables that are growing. We have finished the week with potion making. We have been using our senses to explore different smells we would like in our potions. The children explored lemons and limes with pipettes as well as squeezing the juice with their fingers.